Friday, May 15, 2009


I have received two options from my supervisor about my PHD study two days ago. She have offered me another choice which is New Zealand (her research collabolations in future). Dr. Alexei Drummond.. is the collabolator there.

I was asked to make a choice. Dr Alexei Drummond is specialized on phylogenetic analysis. He have developed a lot of Bayesian Phylogenetic Analysis software. The most recent project involved developing geographical phylogenetic analysis system. It is very interesting on the topics (I myself like phylo before stepped into EST...)

However, now I have been quite an expert in EST now... Not really sure wanna give up further research on EST or not and to pursuit another totally new area to me... It is really hard to make the choice.. hai...why on earth so many options...

Australia or New Zealand? I have to make decision before 22 of May. In order to apply for scholarship, I need to prepare a proposal on my PHD research.. It is going to be EST (genomics related, perhaps transcriptomics is more accurate) or phylogenetics (with Bayesian analysis... and geological knowledge). No matter what I choose, it is going to be a new challenge to me!


  1. hi..
    u told me before that u din like calculation rite?? haha fobia of pbt maybe?? so.. i suggest u.. forget the phylogenetics... hahahaha

  2. wow..tros wat phd ke?bgosnye..kagum..huhu..

  3. can we apply direct PhD abroad??I thought we have to go through master before can further PhD abroad...anyways, is good to know your progress through this least you have a clear direction of what you want to do...i'm still being indecisive..half heartedly want to further study and half heartedly want to work...congratulation for completing your degree..if have time,maybe can meet up in Ipoh soon...All the best..

  4. Both of the options sounded promising. I'm not sure if I'm too late to comment. But if you think you're quite an expert in EST, you can further your research in this area and your knowledge now will definitely help in your future research. As for phylo, you might have lots of interest in it too. Well, I must say that you have to work extra hard in this field as it seems new to you and from the name Bayesian, it means lots of probabilities etc., which means more maths... And if according to ksu, you've phobia in maths, then you might want to reconsider. In fact, Phylo does deal a lot with probabilities... Good Luck with your decisions. You have my full support.
